My Approach
These days with all the conflicting nutrition and dietary information out there, it can be very confusing to know how we should be eating, and just what or who’s advise we should be listening to when it comes to creating optimal health for our body and mind.
Although there are many things that experts do agree on, the truth is that this is a unique question for everyone. It's really about figuring out your individual or unique situation . . what concerns do you have about your health? What is bothering you right now? What are your antecedents? . . .You can find empowerment, you just have to establish what it is specifically that your body needs to thrive or function optimally . . . and this is where I come in as your 'guide on the side'. . . by taking a functional nutrition approach, I support my clients to delve into what’s really going on in their body and to make deeper connections between food and physiology, why nutrition and diet modification matters and what it actually means to create lifestyle change. I see my role as part educator, part supporter in helping my clients to make informed choices. Together we ‘swim upstream’ from from any signs and symptoms, aiming to get to and address the root cause(s) of what is not functioning optimally and preventing you from feeling your best. Often the gut (digestive system) is at one of these roots, and as a certified GAPS Practitioner I am qualified to support my clients to work on healing and sealing the gut.
I work in partnership with my clients using a combination of healing real foods and nutrition, as well as addressing lifestyle factors, both tailored to your unique situation, to support you to take back your own health by educating you how to:
ditch the diet mentality and get clear about what works for YOU
understand and reduce food cravings
detox from sugar and other powerfully addictive foods and transition to real and whole foods
identify and address any food intolerances
improve gut health with a focus on healing the gut lining
put an end to digestive problems, including gas & bloating
reduce inflammation in the body
boost your energy levels
improve sleep, mood and mindset
balance hormones naturally
reach and maintain your optimal weight
prepare nutritious, healing meals that both you and your family will love. . .
Drawing on my experience and extensive, cutting-edge knowledge in nutrition, gut health and disease prevention, I work with clients to guide them to make lifestyle changes and choose health-promoting ways that produce real and lasting results. My clients develop a deeper understanding of what’s going on inside their bodies and the food and lifestyle choices that work best for them, improving their energy, balance, health, and happiness.